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Typy problémů můžeme rozdělit dle evidencí, kterých se týkají:

Výrobní požadavek

NenaplánovánoNedošlo k vytvoření plánu za účelem splnění výrobního požadavku.
PřebytekA demand is planned for more than the requested quantity.
NedostatekA demand is planned for less than the requested quantity.
ZpožděníA demand is satisfied later than the accepted tolerance after its due date.
PředstihA demand is planned earlier than the accepted tolerance before its due date.
Neplatná dataSome data problem prevents this object from being planned.
ZdrojPřetíženíA resource is being overloaded during a certain period of time.
NezatíženíA resource is loaded below its minimum during a certain period of time.
ZásobníkPřebytek materiáluA buffer is carrying too much material during a certain period of time.
Nedostatek materiáluA buffer is having a material shortage during a certain period of time.
Neplatná dataFlagged when a buffer has no ways of replenishment or too many.

Flagged when an operation is being planned in the past.

For operations in the status approved or proposed, the start date is before the current date of the plan.

For operations in the status confirmed, the end date is before the current date of the plan (ie they are overdue and should have been finished already).

Před odsazením plánuFlagged when an operation in the status approved or proposed is being planned before its fence date, i.e. it starts 1) after the current date of the plan, 2) it starts before the current date of the plan plus the release fence of the operation, and 3) the status is approved or proposed.
PřednostFlagged when the sequence of two operations within a routing isn’t respected.
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